​​​BVBA Study Day 2025
'Behaviour through the ages'
19th March 2025 at Manchester Central
Find the full details for the day here:
Tickets are on sale now:
BVBA Members: £110
Non Members: £180
BVBA Student Members: £60
Student Non Member: £130
Sarah Caney BVSc PhD DSAM(Feline) MRCVS
​Sarah Caney is an internationally recognised specialist in feline medicine who has worked as a feline-only vet for more than twenty years. She currently works as a feline only clinician in Nantwich, Cheshire whilst maintaining her education, research and consultancy company Vet Professionals Ltd. Sarah trained as a specialist at the University of Bristol and is one of fifteen recognised specialists in feline medicine working within the UK. Sarah has written or co-written four books published by Vet Professionals including ‘Caring for an elderly cat’ which was co-authored with Vicky Halls. Sarah conducts online owner surveys and has published much of her research results in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.​
Helen Zulch BVSc(Hons) MRCVS, European and Royal College Recognised Specialist in Behavioural Medicine, CCAB
Helen is a veterinarian and Royal College and European Specialist in Veterinary Behavioural Medicine. She is Associate Professor in Clinical Animal Behaviour in the Department of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln, UK and an Honorary Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Science. She has worked in the field of companion animal behaviour for over 20 years lecturing on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, consulting for pet owners and engaging with research across a range of areas in animal behaviour, learning and cognition. She has a particular interest in the interface between physical health and behaviour, the application of learning theory to practice, including in working animals, and the prevention of the development of problem behaviours in pets. She has published in the scientific literature, presented lectures and seminars at international conferences and events, authored and edited books and book chapters and was instrumental in developing the Life Skills for Puppies approach.
Gwen Covey-Crump BVetMed, CertVA, Dipl.ECVAA, MRCVS, CertVetAc(IVAS), AFHEA
RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia
EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
Gwen is an RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. She is clinical lead for the Rehabilitation - Pain management and Behaviour teams at Langford Vets, Bristol Vet School. For the past 15 year, much of her work has involved collaborating with specialist colleagues to provide the multi-disciplinary chronic pain referral service. She also provides advisory and educational services to increase awareness about treatment of chronic pain in dogs and cats amongst pet owners and veterinary professionals. Gwen serves on the committee for the Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists, is an expert advisor for Canine Arthritis Management, and was President of the Comparative Medicine Section of the Royal Society of Medicine from 2017-19 for whom she continues to serve on council.
Areas of interest include human factors in the veterinary clinical workplace, established and emerging therapies for chronic pain and the relationship between pain, cognition and behaviour in human and non-human animals.
Calling anyone who would like to share their research!
Send us your abstract by 31st January 2025
If you are a student, staff or any other interested folk who have recently participated in a research project and would like to share their findings with us; we would love to hear from you.
We are the British Veterinary Behaviour Association and we exist to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and ideas of science-based clinical animal behaviour between behaviourists, vets and those interested in behavioural science. We are an affiliate of the BSAVA and are involved in producing educational material and lectures for the veterinary and related professions.
We have the BVBA study day in Manchester on 19th March 2025 preceding the annual BSAVA Congress and would like to take this opportunity to allow a few chosen speakers to present their research.
If you have recently undertaken a research project, pilot study, final project, dissertation or any other scientific project relating to animal behaviour and/or medicine; please send us your abstract.
Content can be designed for BVBA novices, for those with an intermediate understanding, or those on the cutting edge of research and methodology. Speakers do not need to shy away from contentious issues but are encouraged to suggest ways forward.
Instructions for abstracts:
· Abstract topics DO NOT need to be related to the study day theme
· There are two format options for presenters:
Option 1: Spoken presentation
The format will be a 10 minute spoken presentation followed by questions.
Option 2: Poster presentation
Two formats of the same poster will be prepared, one in electronic format (e.g. a powerpoint slide) and a hard copy.
- Electronic posters will be projected in the auditorium, where presenters will have 3 minutes to talk around the subject.
- Hard copies of the poster will be displayed at the study day venue (please print posters no larger than A2 (594mm x 420 mm) portrait; please note, there are no printing facilities on site).
Please indicate on your abstract submission whether it is to be considered for a spoken or poster presentation, or if you don’t mind.
·Abstracts should be no more than 250 words (either free prose or subdivided into sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion). The following are not counted in the word count: study title, authors’ names and affiliation, up to 5 keywords and any references.
· The presenter should be indicated and provide their name and email address.
· Abstracts will be reviewed and selected by a panel composed of BVBA members. Abstracts will be 'blinded' before review, to ensure a fair and transparent process.
· Presenters of chosen abstracts will be given free conference registration, and in addition can choose to either attend the conference dinner on the evening of 18th March 2025, or receive up to £50 towards transport costs.
· Chosen abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings. · Please submit abstracts to: bvbasubmissions@gmail.com by midnight 31st January 2025.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.